Course curriculum

    1. Aim of the presentation

    2. Preparing for you next presentation

    3. [Video lecture] Spoken English for the presentation

    4. How to make your presentation successful?

    5. [Video lecture] Differences between written and spoken language

    6. [Video lecture] Key aspects of effective spoken English

    7. General structure of a presentation

    1. [Video lecture] How to start your talk?

    2. [Video lecture] Explaining the outline

    3. [Video lecture] Language for visual aids

    4. [Video lecture] Some more useful expressions

    5. [Video lecture] Language for concluding

    6. Exercise: Formulaic expressions [1]

    7. Exercise: Formulaic expressions [2]

    8. Exercise: Formulaic expression for introduction

    9. [Example 2.1] Self-introduction - Advanced Clinical Case Studies to Improve the Burden of COPD

    10. Formulaic expressions for disclosures

    11. [Example 2.2] Self-introduction and Disclosures

    12. [Example 2.3] Conflict of Interest

    13. Cautious or “hedging” language to express uncertainty

    1. [Video lecture] Presenting epidemiological information - Prevalence & Incidence

    2. [Video lecture] Presenting epidemiological information - Race, gender, age

    3. Exercise: Epidemiology [1]

    4. Exercise: Epidemiology [2]

    5. Key verbs for presenting pathophysiology information

    6. Exercise: Key verbs for pathophysiology [1]

    7. Exercise: Key verbs for pathophysiology [2]

    8. [Example] Talking about diagnosis criteria for COPD

    1. [Video lecture] How to present a clinical trial [1]

    2. [Video lecture] Example - How to present a clinical trial [1]

    3. [Video lecture] How to present a clinical trial [2]

    4. [Video lecture] Example - How to present a clinical trial [2]

    5. The order of research charateristics

    6. Example - Presenting clinical research

    7. [Video lecture] How to present observational study [1]

    8. [Video lecture] Example - How to present observational study [1]

    9. [Video lecture] How to present observational study [2]

    10. Comprehensive phrase bank for presenting clinical research

    11. Exercise - Describing study design

    12. Example: Results of Alliance North American Intergroup Study A041202

    13. Exercise - Fill in the blanks [1]

    14. Exercise - Fill in the blanks [2]

    1. [Video lecture] Describing graphs

    2. Examples - Presenting graphs

    3. Exercise: Presenting graphs

    4. Presenting tables

    5. Exercise: Presenting tables

    6. Phrase bank for speakers - Referring visual aids

    1. Overview of case discussion

    2. Example - Cardiology case

    3. Example - Chuyên gia thảo luận hướng điều trị cho ca lâm sàng

    4. Example - Thảo luận ca huyết học (CLL)

    5. Example - Oncology case: 72-Year-Old Woman With Small Cell Lung Cancer

About this course

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  • 60 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

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