Course curriculum

    1. An introduction to the Course

    1. [Video lecture] What is a case report?

    2. [Video lecture] Why write a case report?

    3. [Video lecture] The CARE checklist

    1. [Video lecture] An overview of the main components & Title

    2. [Video lecture] Case presentation

    3. [Video lecture] Abstract & Introduction

    4. [Video lecture] Discussion & Conclusion

    5. [Video lecture] Language in a case report

    1. [Video lecture] Identifying a case & Preparation

    2. [Video lecture] From title to keywords

    3. [Video lecture] Write the introduction

    4. [Video lecture] Write the case presentation

    5. [Video lecture] Write the Discussion and Conclusion

    1. Phân tích mục Case presentation [1]

    2. Phân tích mục Case presentation [2]

    3. Phân tích mục Introduction

    4. Phân tích Discussion, Conclusion, và Abstract

    1. Phân tích Case presentation

    2. Phân tích Introduction

    3. Phân tích Discussion, Conclusion, và Abstract

About this course

  • Free
  • 22 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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